Similar words: all over, all over again, all over the world, lover, over and over, mull, love, clove. Meaning: v. reflect deeply on a subject.

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1. He's mulling over the proposals before making any changes.
2. McLaren had been mulling over an idea to make a movie.
3. I've been mulling over what you said last night.
4. He sat there mulling over what he should say.
5. The company is mulling over a share offer.
6. She mulled over what the object might be.
7. These classes offer time to mull over and appreciate how many of their worries are a normal part of pregnancy.
8. He's mulling over an offer from NBC to star in his own series.
9. He seemed to have sat for hours mulling over people's recollections of events on Friday.
10. Kirov mulled over what he knew of the man thus far.
11. Barney appeared to be mulling over what he had just learned; several times he looked searchingly at Melissa across the table.
12. There, with a copious supply of scotch[Sentencedict], he mulled over the day's events.
13. On his morning run along the Embankment, Adam mulled over the tasks that still needed to be carried out next.
14. Don't mull over your breakfast.
15. The manager needs time to mull over our proposals.
16. As you mull over your previous partnerships , try thinking about relationship as a verb rather than a noun.
17. Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen's rise of late.
18. Take some time to mull over these questions, do some soul-searching, and then if you think you have what it takes, go for it.
19. Perhaps something for us all to 20)mull over as we increasingly live our lives in anonymous isolation.
20. But who has time to mull over things of this nature?
21. Mull over this story and try to decide, " Was there a Pope Joan?
22. They would rather mull over something academic about a problem rather than ship on time.
23. He says he has raised certain issues, and the government is debating those issues, and it is very necessary that we mull over these concerns.
24. Besides payrolls, Wall Street will have a flurry of other numbers to mull over, including January personal income and spending, as well as February domestic car and truck sales.
25. Yet if we just press the "pause" button on our emotions, taking time to mull over our choices, many crises can be defused.
26. The Canadian government's joint review panel is expected to mull over the issue for the next 18 months.
27. You are entering a pivotal month, where decisions you mull over now will stay with you for a long time.
28. Those with poorer working memory, the 10-15% of people who could only remember about two things, were more likely to mull over things and brood too much.
29. When buying a house, for example, its best to let our unconscious mull over the many variables.
30. US President Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, says officials are looking at the nation's strategic oil reserves, as they mull over options, for dealing with a spike in gas prices.
More similar words: all over, all over again, all over the world, lover, over and over, mull, love, clove, glove, in love, fall in love, pull off, pull out, pull on, love affair, hand in glove, be full of, fall in love with, over, cover, overall, oversee, covert, be over, get over, go over, poverty, recover, overcome, cover up.